While dizziness is not often listed as a common symptom of acid reflux, a study suggests that there is a link between peripheral vertigo (vertigo caused by ear problems) and acid reflux scientists suggest that patients who experience dizziness alongside their acid reflux may be due to gastric acids irritating the ear, which could lead to ear. Acid reflux vertigo. Vertigo can be caused by bppv ( otolith displacement related vestibulitis) and also due to acute acid labyrinthitis due to eustachian tube dysfunction due to reflux esophagopharyngitis what you are suffering from is the second condition antireflux agents containing alginates will resolve your issue along with good nasal decongestant drops.
acid reflux vertigo
In my cause, vertigo (woke me up) what actually happened was that the night before i had a very bad episode of acid reflux i woke up in the middle of the night because i was choked because of my upset-stomach-dizziness and because of the quick change of the position of the head, i had vertigo and the room was spinning. Dizziness, nausea and reflux jan gambino patient expert jan 30, 2011 sometimes gastroesophageal reflux occurs by itself but it is also common for reflux symptoms to be packaged with other symptoms. What causes acid reflux disease? one common cause of acid reflux disease is a stomach abnormality called a hiatal hernia.this occurs when the upper part of the stomach and les move above the.