Milk contains calcium in a form that can neutralize acids the calcium present in milk neutralizes acid reflux in the same way as calcium tablets do however, a glass of milk raises the acidity of the stomach by reducing the ph from 6 to about 18. Acid reflux is milk good. Milk allergy, most common in children but still present in adults, can carry severe side effects beyond acid reflux if you suspect you or your child has a dairy allergy, you should seek immediate.
acid reflux is milk good
Just like milk, cinnamon is also very good in treating acid reflux simply mix a tea spoon full of cinnamon in half glass of cold fat free milk and store in fridge drink this cinnamon milk when required to get instant relief from acid reflux, as it does wonders. [also read: home remedies for acid reflux] 2. consuming milk. milk is yet another remarkable drink to prevent and cure acid reflux. milk is known to reduce the burning sensation in the chest and soothe the body. make sure that you choose milk that is lowest in fat so that it is easier to digest and does not provide discomfort to your stomach..