Saturday, July 31, 2021

Acid Reflux Lung Inflammation

Aspiration pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs and bronchial tubes it results from inhaling vomit, food, or liquid while this can happen to anyone, people with acid reflux are at a heightened risk for developing it this is because reflux makes it possible for the stomach’s contents to make it up the esophagus, through […]. Acid reflux lung inflammation. Acid reflux is known to most as a digestive disorder, with its main symptom being heartburn but in its chronic form, known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd), its effects can extend well beyond the digestive tract severe gerd can contribute to serious respiratory disorders including asthma, bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs.

acid reflux lung inflammation

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If you want to reduce inflammation (and bonus: lose weight), you'll want to avoid the acid reflux "dirty dozen," categorically broken down into six foods that are frankly acidic (less than ph 4) and six foods that loosen the muscular barrier separating the esophagus from the stomach the acidic half dozen are sugary soda, bottled ice tea, citrus, tomato, vinegar, and wine.

more info acid reflux lung inflammation---> click here

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