Thursday, November 11, 2021

Reflux Bl3

Shoots pellets in a biohazard symbol the reflux doesn't deal any splash damage chain: corrosive visual effect that transfers damage from one enemy to another link: exactly 2 chains chains deal 10 damage ticks over 2 sec; each pellet has the chance to create a link; in a link a chain can hit a new enemy or chain back to the original target; one enemy can be effected by 5 links at a time. Reflux bl3. Borderlands 3 reflux save file(level 57) | borderlands 3 mayhem 10 | borderlands 3 mayhem 20 borderlands 3 save amara, fl4k, zane, moze save: https://drive.

reflux bl3

How To Get The REFLUX - AMAZING NEW SHOTGUN - Mayhem 2.0 ...

How to get the reflux - amazing new shotgun - mayhem 20

Mayhem 10 Lvl 57 Redundant Reflux x14 ASA 200% Damage BL3 ...

Borderlands 3 is the fourth main and fifth overall entry in gearbox software's borderlands game series it was announced by randy pitchford, gearbox's ceo on march 28th, 2019 and released on september 13th, 2019 for xbox one, playstation 4 and pc on the epic games store the game later released for google stadia on december 17th, 2019, and was released on steam for pc on march 13th, 2020. Sledge's shotgun is a legendary shotgun in borderlands 3 manufactured by jakobs. it is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from hot karl located in devil's razor on pandora. the legend (still) lives – fires a 2-round burst. greatly increased magazine size.. The hellwalker is a legendary shotgun in borderlands 3 manufactured by jakobs. it is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from road dog located in the splinterlands on pandora. so, my demons. your time has come. – always incendiary. always spawns in single-shot mode. uses two ammo per shot. projectile spread assumes an inverted pentagram pattern.

more info reflux bl3---> click here

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